Contoh Program String Dev C++
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Aug 06, 2012 Berikut ini merupakan contoh – contoh coding dalam Dev C, diantaranya: Berikut ini adalah program pertama OpenGL: Rotating torus, dengan shading. Sumber berisi perhitungan Matrix 4x4 kelas, kelas matematis untuk menghasilkan suatu torus dengan normals nya. Perhitungan FPS sangat tidak akurat di sini. Jul 11, 2018 Program Dev C Queue membuat antrian KTP - Triks &Tips Pemula Informatika.
- Sep 04, 2018 Komentar dalam program biasanya digunakan oleh para programmer untuk memberi tanda atau keterangan pada program yang dia kembangkan, agar mudah dibaca, dipahami dan dimengerti terutama untuk programmer lainya jika kita sedang bekerja dalam suatu team, karena tidak semua programmer mempunyai jalan pikiran yang sama.
- Baca juga: Contoh Program Switch case pada c. Contoh Program C IF Bercabang lainnya. Sekarang kita coba dengan belajar studi kasus lainnya. Disini saya membuat program c tentang penentuan bagaimana suatu penduduk dikategorikan sebagai penduduk miskin atau tidak,Tentunya dengan menerapkan percabangan if bercabang (nested if) didalamnya.
Contoh Coding Dev C++
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Berikut ini merupakan contoh – contoh coding dalam Dev C++, diantaranya :
- Berikut ini adalah program pertama OpenGL: Rotating torus, dengan shading. Sumber berisi perhitungan Matrix 4×4 kelas, kelas matematis untuk menghasilkan suatu torus dengan normals nya. perhitungan FPS sangat tidak akurat di sini.
Mav y k sedikit pake bahasa ingris. tutorialnya
* File: Torus.cpp
* Project: OpenGL test: Torus.exe
* Description: This is the Class implementation of the torus object.
* This class is designed to generate Torus 3D object. Vertex list, and face
* vertex list are created with R, r and section parameters.
* Author: Vedder Bruno
* Date: 09/04/2004
* URL:
#include <math.h>
#include “Torus.h”
using namespace std;
#define TO_DEG *3.14159f/180.0f
* Constructor, initialise Torus fields.
* Torus equations: x = (R + r * cos(v))* cos(u)
* y = (R + r * cos(v))* sin(u)
* z = r sin (v)
* R longest radius, r small radius, u angle relative to R
* and v angle relative to r.
* A section of 10 means a Torus made of 10 straight section with
* angle of 36 Degree.
Torus::Torus(float R, float r, int section)
float x, y, z, u, v, du,dv;
u = 0;
v = 0;
du = 360.0f / section;
dv = 360.0f / section;
/* Allocate buffer for vertex pointer list */
vtx = new float* [section * section];
for (int i =0; i < section * section; i++)
vtx[i] = new float[4]; /* Allocate 4 Coord Vectors */
/* Allocate buffer for face’s vertex list pointer */
fl = new int* [section * section];
for (int i =0; i < section * section; i++)
fl[i] = new int[4]; /* Allocate 4 index Vectors */
/* Allocate buffer for normal pointer list */
nrml = new float* [section * section];
for (int i =0; i < section * section; i++)
nrml[i] = new float[4]; /* Allocate 4 Coord Vectors */
/* First generate vertexes */
for (int i = 0; i < section; i++)
for (int o = 0; o < section; o++)
x = (R + r * cos(v TO_DEG))* cos(u TO_DEG);
y = (R + r * cos(v TO_DEG))* sin(u TO_DEG);
z = r * sin(v TO_DEG);
v += dv;
vtx[o + i*section][0] = x;
vtx[o + i*section][1] = y;
vtx[o + i*section][2] = z;
vtx[o + i*section][3] = 1.0f;
v = 0;
u += du;
/* Second generate face list */
for (int o = 0; o <section; o++)
for (int i = 0; i < section; i++)
fl[i+o*section][0] = (i + (o*section))%(section * section);
fl[i+o*section][1] = (((i+1) %section) + (o*section))%(section * section);
fl[i+o*section][2] = (((( i+1) %section ) +section) + (o*section))%(section * section);
fl[i+o*section][3] = ((i+section) + (o*section) ) %(section * section);
/* third generate normals list */
/* y1*z2 – y2*z1 */
/* V1^V2 = z1*x2 – z2*x1 */
/* x1*y2 – x2*y1 */
for (int i=0; i < section * section; i++)
float a[3];
float b[3];
/*Extract vector A */
a[0] = vtx[fl[i][0]][0] – vtx[fl[i][1]][0];
a[1] = vtx[fl[i][0]][1] – vtx[fl[i][1]][1];
a[2] = vtx[fl[i][0]][2] – vtx[fl[i][1]][2];
/*Extract vector B */
b[0] = vtx[fl[i][0]][0] – vtx[fl[i][2]][0];
b[1] = vtx[fl[i][0]][1] – vtx[fl[i][2]][1];
b[2] = vtx[fl[i][0]][2] – vtx[fl[i][2]][2];
nrml[i][0]= a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1];
nrml[i][1]= a[2]*b[0]-a[0]*b[2];
nrml[i][2]= a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0];
/* Normalise this vector */
float norm = sqrt(nrml[i][0]*nrml[i][0] + nrml[i][1]*nrml[i][1]+ nrml[i][2]*nrml[i][2]);
nrml[i][0] /= norm;
nrml[i][1] /= norm;
nrml[i][2] /= norm;
/* Depending on our vertex order, Normal are inverted. */
nrml[i][0] *= -1;
nrml[i][1] *= -1;
nrml[i][2] *= -1;
/* For Torus build from Quads, face number = vertex number */
vtx_nbr = section * section;
face_nbr = vtx_nbr;
float** Torus::getVertexList()
return vtx;
float** Torus::getNormalList()
return nrml;
int** Torus::getFaceVertexList()
return fl;
int Torus::getVertexNumber()
return vtx_nbr;
int Torus::getFaceNumber()
return face_nbr;
* File: tst.cpp
* Project: OpenGL test: Torus.exe
* Description: This is the main file of the Torus executable.
* It generate torus, and move it in a 3d space.
* Author: Vedder Bruno
* Date: 09/04/2004
* URL:
#include <iostream>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include “Matrix4x4.h”
#include “Torus.h”
using namespace std;
/* ASCII code for the escape key. */
#define ESCAPE 27
/* The number of our GLUT window. */
int window;
/* Prototype declarations. */
void InitGL(int Width, int Height);
void keyPressed(unsigned char key, int x, int y) ;
void DrawGLScene();
void ReSizeGLScene(int Width, int Height);
void InitGL(int Width, int Height);
float** allocateVertex(int nbr);
float thetax = 0;
float thetay = 0;
float thetaz = 0;
Matrix4x4 *xRot;
Matrix4x4 *yRot;
Matrix4x4 *zRot;
Matrix4x4 *final;
Torus *torus1;
GLfloat LightAmbient[]= { 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
GLfloat LightDiffuse[]= { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
GLfloat LightPosition[]= { 3.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f, 1.1f };
GLfloat LightParams[]= { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
float **vrtx_list;
float **trans_vrtx_list;
float **nrml_list;
float **trans_nrml_list;
int **face_list;
clock_t t0;
clock_t t1;
unsigned int frame_number;
long os_tick_per_second;
char fps_string[128];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
glutInit(&argc, argv);
xRot = new Matrix4x4();
yRot = new Matrix4x4();
zRot = new Matrix4x4();
final= new Matrix4x4();
torus1 = new Torus(1.5f, 0.9f, 32);
/* Select type of Display mode: Double buffer, RGBA color, Alpha components supported, Depth buffer */
/* get a 120 x 120 window */
glutInitWindowSize(256, 256);
/* the window starts at the upper left corner of the screen */
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);
/* Open a window */
window = glutCreateWindow(“Torus”);
/* Register the function to do all our OpenGL drawing. */
/* Go fullscreen. This is as soon as possible. */
// glutFullScreen();
/* Even if there are no events, redraw our gl scene. */
/* Register the function called when our window is resized. */
/* Register the function called when the keyboard is pressed. */
/* Initialize our window. */
InitGL(256, 256);
/* t0, instant fps = now. ct0; cumulative fps = t0 */
t0 = clock();
frame_number =0;
os_tick_per_second = CLK_TCK;
/* Start Event Processing Engine */
return 1;
void InitGL(int Width, int Height)
face_list = torus1->getFaceVertexList();
vrtx_list = torus1->getVertexList();
nrml_list = torus1->getNormalList();
trans_vrtx_list = allocateVertex( torus1->getVertexNumber() );
trans_nrml_list = allocateVertex( torus1->getFaceNumber() );
printf(“Vertex number: %dn”, torus1->getVertexNumber() );
printf(“Face number: %dn”, torus1->getFaceNumber() );
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // This Will Clear The Background Color To Black
glClearDepth(1.0); // Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing
glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Enables Smooth Color Shading
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Projection Matrix
gluPerspective(45.0f,(GLfloat)Width/(GLfloat)Height,0.1f,100.0f); // Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, LightDiffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION,LightPosition);
void ReSizeGLScene(int Width, int Height)
if (Height0) // Prevent A Divide By Zero If The Window Is Too Small
glViewport(0, 0, Width, Height); // Reset The Current Viewport And Perspective Transformation
/* The main drawing function. */
void DrawGLScene()
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The View
glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,-6.0f); // Move Left 1.5 Units And Into The Screen 6.0
/* Calculate transformation matrix to apply to all vertex */
Contoh Program String Dev C Download
Matrix4x4::mulMatrix(zRot, yRot, final);
Matrix4x4::mulMatrix(final, xRot, zRot);
// Matrix4x4::getTranslationMatrix4x4(final, 1, 0, 0);
/* Apply transformation to all vertex */
for (int i = 0; i < torus1->getVertexNumber(); i++)
Matrix4x4::mulMatrixWithVector(vrtx_list[i], trans_vrtx_list[i], zRot);
/* Apply transformation to all Normals */
for (int i = 0; i < torus1->getFaceNumber(); i++)
Matrix4x4::mulMatrixWithVector(nrml_list[i], trans_nrml_list[i], zRot);
/* Start Drawing Object !*/
for (int i =0; i < torus1->getFaceNumber(); i++)
glNormal3f(trans_nrml_list[i][0], trans_nrml_list[i][1], trans_nrml_list[i][2]);
glColor3f( 1.0f , 1.0f, 1.0f );
glVertex3f( trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][0]][0], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][0]][1], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][0]][2]);
glColor3f( 1.0f , 0.0f, 1.0f );
glVertex3f( trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][1]][0], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][1]][1], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][1]][2]);
/stop-avast-scanning-compiled-programs-dev-c.html. glColor3f( 1.0f , 1.0f, 0.0f );
glVertex3f( trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][2]][0], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][2]][1], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][2]][2]);
glColor3f( 0.0f , 1.0f, 1.0f );
glVertex3f( trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][3]][0], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][3]][1], trans_vrtx_list[face_list[i][3]][2]);
glEnd(); // we’re done with the polygon (smooth color interpolation)
// we need to swap the buffer to display our drawing.
thetax += 1;
thetay += 2;
thetaz += 1;
t1 = clock();
if(t1 – t0 > CLK_TCK)
float nb_sec = (float)((float)(t1-t0) / os_tick_per_second );
sprintf(fps_string,”FPS: %3.1f”, (float)(frame_number /nb_sec ) );
frame_number = 0;
t0 = clock();
/* The function called whenever a key is pressed. */
void keyPressed(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
/* sleep to avoid thrashing this procedure */
/* If escape is pressed, kill everything. */
if (key ESCAPE)
/* shut down our window */
float** allocateVertex(int nbr)
float **ret = (float**) malloc ( nbr * sizeof(float*) );
for (int i =0; i < nbr; i++)
ret[ i ] = (float*)malloc( 4 * sizeof(float) );
return ret;
* File: Matrix4x4.cpp
* Project: OpenGL test: Torus.exe
* Description: This is the implementation of the Matrix4x4 class.
* This class is designed to handle matrix manipulation, like instantiation,
* addition, multiplication. The class can generate Identity, Rotation Matrix.
* Author: Vedder Bruno
* Date: 09/04/2004
* URL:
#include “Matrix4x4.h”
#include <iostream>
* Constructor, returns the Identity Matrix.
v = new float[4 * 4];
v[0] = 1; v[1] = 0; v[2] = 0; v[3] = 0;
v[4] = 0; v[5] = 1; v[6] = 0; v[7] = 0;
v[8] = 0; v[9] = 0; v[10] = 1; v[11] = 0;
v[12] = 0; v[13] = 0; v[14] = 0; v[15] = 1;
* Constructor, returns an initialised Matrix.
* In: 4*4 float array containing default matrix values.
Matrix4x4::Matrix4x4(float initData[])
v = new float[4 * 4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++) {
v[i] = initData[i];
* Matrix dumping utility.
* In: Matrix4x4 to dump on default stream.
void Matrix4x4::dumpMatrix(Matrix4x4 *m)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++) {
std::cout << m->v[o + (i * 4) ] << ” “;
std::cout << std::endl;
* Matrix multiplication:
* In: A Matrix4x4* to be multiplied with B.
* B Matrix4x4* A’s multiplicator.
* Out:
* R Matrix4x4* To store result.
void Matrix4x4::mulMatrix(Matrix4x4 *A, Matrix4x4 *B, Matrix4x4 *R)
/* [0,0] – [3,0] */
R->v[0] = (A->v[0] * B->v[0]) + (A->v[1] * B->v[4]) + (A->v[2] * B->v[8]) + (A->v[3] * B->v[12]);
R->v[1] = (A->v[0] * B->v[1]) + (A->v[1] * B->v[5]) + (A->v[2] * B->v[9]) + (A->v[3] * B->v[13]);
R->v[2] = (A->v[0] * B->v[2]) + (A->v[1] * B->v[6]) + (A->v[2] * B->v[10]) + (A->v[3] * B->v[14]);
R->v[3] = (A->v[0] * B->v[3]) + (A->v[1] * B->v[7]) + (A->v[2] * B->v[11]) + (A->v[3] * B->v[15]);
/* [0,1] – [3,1] */
R->v[4] = (A->v[4] * B->v[0]) + (A->v[5] * B->v[4]) + (A->v[6] * B->v[8]) + (A->v[7] * B->v[12]);
R->v[5] = (A->v[4] * B->v[1]) + (A->v[5] * B->v[5]) + (A->v[6] * B->v[9]) + (A->v[7] * B->v[13]);
R->v[6] = (A->v[4] * B->v[2]) + (A->v[5] * B->v[6]) + (A->v[6] * B->v[10]) + (A->v[7] * B->v[14]);
R->v[7] = (A->v[4] * B->v[3]) + (A->v[5] * B->v[7]) + (A->v[6] * B->v[11]) + (A->v[7] * B->v[15]);
/* [0,2] – [3,2] */
R->v[8] = (A->v[8] * B->v[0]) + (A->v[9] * B->v[4]) + (A->v[10] * B->v[8]) + (A->v[11] * B->v[12]);
R->v[9] = (A->v[8] * B->v[1]) + (A->v[9] * B->v[5]) + (A->v[10] * B->v[9]) + (A->v[11] * B->v[13]);
R->v[10] = (A->v[8] * B->v[2]) + (A->v[9] * B->v[6]) + (A->v[10] * B->v[10]) + (A->v[11] * B->v[14]);
R->v[11] = (A->v[8] * B->v[3]) + (A->v[9] * B->v[7]) + (A->v[10] * B->v[11]) + (A->v[11] * B->v[15]);
/* [0,3] – [3,3] */
R->v[12] = (A->v[12] * B->v[0]) + (A->v[13] * B->v[4]) + (A->v[14] * B->v[8]) + (A->v[15] * B->v[12]);
R->v[13] = (A->v[12] * B->v[1]) + (A->v[13] * B->v[5]) + (A->v[14] * B->v[9]) + (A->v[15] * B->v[13]);
R->v[14] = (A->v[12] * B->v[2]) + (A->v[13] * B->v[6]) + (A->v[14] * B->v[10]) + (A->v[15] * B->v[14]);
R->v[15] = (A->v[12] * B->v[3]) + (A->v[13] * B->v[7]) + (A->v[14] * B->v[11]) + (A->v[15] * B->v[15]);
* Matrix Addition:
* In: A Matrix4x4* to be Added to B.
* B Matrix4x4* second addition operand.
* Out:
* R Matrix4x4* To store result.
void Matrix4x4::addMatrix(Matrix4x4 *A, Matrix4x4 *B, Matrix4x4 *R)
/* [0,0] – [3,0] */
R->v[0] = A->v[0] + B->v[0];
R->v[1] = A->v[1] + B->v[1];
R->v[2] = A->v[2] + B->v[2];
R->v[3] = A->v[3] + B->v[3];
/* [0,1] – [3,1] */
R->v[4] = A->v[4] + B->v[4];
R->v[5] = A->v[5] + B->v[5];
R->v[6] = A->v[6] + B->v[6];
R->v[7] = A->v[7] + B->v[7];
/* [0,2] – [3,2] */
R->v[8] = A->v[8] + B->v[8];
R->v[9] = A->v[9] + B->v[9];
R->v[10] = A->v[10] + B->v[10];
R->v[11] = A->v[11] + B->v[11];
/* [0,3] – [3,3]*/
R->v[12] = A->v[12] + B->v[12];
R->v[13] = A->v[13] + B->v[13];
R->v[14] = A->v[14] + B->v[14];
R->v[15] = A->v[15] + B->v[15];
* X axis rotation matrix:
* 1 0 0 0
* 0 cos(phi) sin(phi) 0
* 0 -sin(phi) cos(phi) 0
* 0 0 0 1
void Matrix4x4::getXRotationMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 *R, float phi)
R->v[0] = 1;
R->v[1] = 0;
R->v[2] = 0;
R->v[3] = 0;
R->v[4] = 0;
R->v[5] = (float)cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[6] = (float)sin(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[7] = 0;
R->v[8] = 0;
R->v[9] = (float)(-1.0 * sin(phi * 3.14159/180));
R->v[10]= (float)cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[11]= 0;
R->v[12]= 0;
R->v[13]= 0;
R->v[14]= 0;
R->v[15]= 1;
* Y axis rotation matrix:
* cos(phi) 0 -sin(phi) 0
* 0 1 0 0
* sin(phi) 0 cos(phi) 0
* 0 0 0 1
void Matrix4x4::getYRotationMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 *R, float phi)
R->v[0] = (float) cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[1] = 0;
R->v[2] = (float)(-1.0 * sin(phi * 3.14159/180));
R->v[3] = 0;
R->v[4] = 0;
R->v[5] = 1;
R->v[6] = 0;
R->v[7] = 0;
R->v[8] = (float)sin(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[9] = 0;
R->v[10]= (float)cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[11]= 0;
R->v[12]= 0;
R->v[13]= 0;
R->v[14]= 0;
R->v[15]= 1;
* Z axis rotation matrix:
* cos(phi) sin(phi) 0 0
* -sin(phi) cos(phi) 0 0
* 0 0 1 0
* 0 0 0 1
void Matrix4x4::getZRotationMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 *R, float phi)
R->v[0] = (float) cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[1] = (float)sin(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[2] = 0;
R->v[3] = 0;
R->v[4] = (float)(-1.0 * sin(phi * 3.14159/180));
R->v[5] = (float) cos(phi * 3.14159/180);
R->v[6] = 0;
R->v[7] = 0;
R->v[8] = 0;
R->v[9] = 0;
R->v[10]= 1;
R->v[11]= 0;
R->v[12]= 0;
R->v[13]= 0;
R->v[14]= 0;
R->v[15]= 1;
* Translation matrix:
* 1 0 0 0
* 0 1 0 0
* 0 0 1 0
* Tx Ty Tz 1
void Matrix4x4::getTranslationMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 *T, float x, float y, float z)
T->v[0] = 1;
T->v[1] = 0;
T->v[2] = 0;
T->v[3] = 0;
T->v[4] = 0;
T->v[5] = 1;
T->v[6] = 0;
T->v[7] = 0;
T->v[8] = 0;
T->v[9] = 0;
T->v[10]= 1;
T->v[11]= 0;
T->v[12]= x;
T->v[13]= y;
T->v[14]= z;
T->v[15]= 1;
* Multiplication with a 4 coordinates vector.
* [a b c d] [x] [x’]
* [e f g h] [y] [y’]
* [i j k l] x [z] = [z’]
* [m n o p] [1] [‘]
* In: -In is the initial vector.
* -m is the Matrix to multiply
Contoh Program String Dev C File
* Out:
* -Out is a vector where new coordinate will be stored.
Contoh Program String Dev C 4
void Matrix4x4::mulMatrixWithVector(float *In, float* Out, Matrix4x4 *m)
Out[0] = (m->v[0] * In[0]) + (m->v[1] * In[1]) + (m->v[2] * In[2]) +(m->v[3] * In[3]);
Contoh Program String Dev C 2017
Out[1] = (m->v[4] * In[0]) + (m->v[5] * In[1]) + (m->v[6] * In[2]) +(m->v[7] * In[3]);
Out[2] = (m->v[8] * In[0]) + (m->v[9] * In[1]) + (m->v[10] *In[2]) +(m->v[11] * In[3]);
Out[3] = (m->v[12] *In[0]) + (m->v[13] *In[1]) + (m->v[14] *In[2]) +(m->v[15] * In[3]);